Legion of Superheroes Wiki
Legion of Superheroes Wiki
Legion Cruiser
Legion Cruiser


Legion of Superheroes


Brainiac 5


31st century

First Appearance

Timber Wolf

The Legion Cruiser is the official mode of interplanetary travel for the Legion of Superheroes. It is tied into Computo's database and can easily access information on command.


The Legion cruiser is used by the Legion of Superheroes when traveling to other planets or engaging in a battle in space. Imperiex later corrupted Computo. As a result, he could remotely control the Legion Cruiser. He attempted to destroy it but its current occupants, Brainiac 5 and Superman X survived. It was later replaced with a Battle Cruiser by The legion's backer.



  • Bridge


  • laser cannon
  • ion beam

Note: there are protocols preventing them from being used at lethal levels, however, they can be disabled.

Other Functions:

  • Scans: The ship can also perform self-diagnostic searches on itself such as a full dimensional scan to locate cloaked intruders or perform planetary scans for life signs and etc.
  • Emergency force-field: Another form of protection the cruiser has is an emergency force field that can be generated around the pilot.
  • Computo: Computo assists in the day to day operations and field assistance, It activates various programs and utilities and can gather and present various information. Computo is tied into both Legion Headquarters and the Legion Cruiser.

Known Occupants

Former Occupants



  • The ship essentially runs on autopilot but Bouncing Boy is the only known member to pilot it manually.
  • When Triplicate Girl is aboard she can function as a redundancy crew for the navigation, engineering, and weapons systems.